May 12, 2009

what i know about the holocaust

1. I learn that the Nazi's killed 6 million Jews

2. I learn that holocaust means sacrifice by fire.

3. I learn that they killed other races just because they were not German

4. I learn that they killed gay people

5. I learn that in Europe there were 9 million Jews before the holocaust

6. I learn that the was ended in may 8,1945

7. I learn that in 1948 and 1951 700,000 Jews went back to Israel

8. I learn the word ghetto was made during this time and that they used it to say that's where the Jews lived at

9. I learn that they made them live in terrible places and in unsafe places

10. I learn that Germany made at least 1,000 ghetto's

11. I learn that the first ghetto was made in Poland and that it was made in 1939

12. I learn that the ghettos they made did not last a long time that some owning would last a couple days

13. I learn that in that time there were three ghetto's the closed, the open and the destruction ghetto

14. I learn the biggest ghetto that they had was the Warsaw ghetto they had over 400,000 Jews in there

15. I learn that in the ghettos the Jews had to wear badges or armbands

16. I learn that they had Jewish police in Germany

17. I learn that they made the first ghetto in Hungary in 1944 when Germany took it over

18 I learn that they took over Hungary in 3 months

19. I learn that the Jews that where in Hungary most of them were killed

20. I learn that they made a other ghetto in budapest were 63,000 Jews lived in 0.1 square miles.

21. I learn that they made killing centers for killing someone will easy

22. I learn that in the killing centers they killed over 2,700,000 Jews

23. I learn that they would kill them by shooting them by poison gas or by asphyxiation

24. I learn that the first killing center was opened in Poland in chelmno it opened in 1941 in December.

25. I learn that when they sent you to a killing center they would kill you right away they would not give you a extra day or anything

26. I learn that the biggest killing center was the Auschwitz-birkenau

27. I learn that in Auschwitz -birkenau killed about 6,000 people each day

28. I learn that in Auschwitz- birkenau they kill poles,Roma and soviet prisoners in there

29. I learn that they did not want people to know about the killing centers so the dead body's they would cremate them and the centers would be moved or destroyed.

30. I learn that they would make them cut off there hair

31. I learn that they use to make them do a death march

32. I learn that Hitler was part Jewish

33. I learn that the younger you where the better chance you had to live

34. I learn that the more people that they put in the gas chamber the faster they die

35. I learn that they did not have water or food on the trains

36. I learn that many died on the train because they could not live on the the train any more.

37. I learn that if you tried to leave the train they would shot you

38. I learn that if you were in the train in the summer it would be hot and in the winter it would be freezing cold

39. I learn that they first used the poison gas on the mental people that they had there.

40. I learn that they thought the mental people where not wealthy for there life.

41. I learn that they use to have gas vans and that use to kill a lot of people to.

42. I learn that killing people with gas cost a lot less so they used it more.

43. I learn that the final solution was to kill all the Jews in Europe.

44. I learn the first country that Germany went into was Poland in 1939.

45. I learn what genocide means it means to do a crime with you wanting to kill there whole race.

46. I learn what pogroms mean it means to demolish.

47. I learn that when the was happen people came here by the U.S was not giving out visas.

48. I learn that the U.S did know about what was going on but did not get into the war until 1944

49. I learn that they would kill baby's because they would just eat.

50. I learn that Adolf Hitler got into power of Germany in January 30,1933

51. I learn Adolf Hitler killed himself

52. I learn that his sister was mentally retard

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