Jun 2, 2009
Reflection Qustions On Night
He wrote this so that we can learn from are mistakes and never let something like this every happen again and that his story could be told because there's not many people that live throw this and to show what kind of terrible things that they were doing to them.
153: why do you think he chose night as its title?
It was a dark time to live in and a lot of bad things were happening and when its dark you don't know what to do or where to go it was the same for them they did not know what to do or where to go next not because it was dark but because they were scared and worried for there life's so that's why they called it night.
154: how does Elie change as a result of experiences in the concentration camps?
He lost his faith in god and lost all of his family and he has nightmares of kids getting shot he lost all of weight so he lost all lot of things and nothing that he got was good everything that he got was bad.
155: how does Elie finally come to terms with his odeal?
He got his freedom he got to be free again and well he never really talked about what had happen to him until he wrote the book but now he talks about what had happen to him but not that much because it still hurts him.
156. Give examples of issues in night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?
Their still killing people all around the world. For different reason but most of them are the same reasons that they were killing the Jews.Its mostly because of their races and people today are still killing people because of there race.I thought people would have learn that killing each other just for those reasons is a dumb reason to kill each other.but one way we can stop it is by letting people know that this is happening and show them ways they can help to stop the killing in other countries.
There's one thing that is happening in Nepal. There is genocide because people are getting killed for protesting. there was some people protesting for what was happening in Tibet and they got killed for it. They were a peaceful group to they were not hurting people or nothing. so that's genocide because of power in the government not wanting protests see that's one of the things that did not happen when the German's were doing genocide but its still as bad.
Other type of genocide that is happening is in Cuba. In there their killing there people for trying to leave. They will kill you right away and throw you into the ocean if you are trying to leave there home land Cuba. They have already killed about 35,000 to 141,00 Cubans that were trying to leave. That is other type of genocide that is happening in the world.
Other genocide that happens in the world is in Colombia. There if you try to take there oil they will kill you. They don't believe that there people showed be taking there oil. So i guess that's like when the people would take the officers food they would get killed. So it was like that in Germany to but they would kill you for taking different things.
One of the worst places that they have genocide in is North Korea. In there they already have camps all throw there country. They never let their people leave if your born in North Korea then you die in North Korea and you can never leave from there and there killing a lot of people just because if you every talked bad about him or talked bad about his dead father then they will kill you. They have lots of camps throw out the whole country. In night the would send you to the camps for different reasons but its the same because there both getting throw into the camps.
May 18, 2009
The diary of anne frank act 1 and 2
1: The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery.which rules would be the hardest for you to follow?why?
I think that it would be hard not to move because i don't think that i would be able to stay still and what if i had to go w.c but i could not move so i could not go to it that's why i think that it would be hard for me to follow that rule.
2(a): In scene 1,what objects does Mr.Frank find in the families?
He finds papers letters notes things like that and he also finds Anne's diary and he begins to read it.
2(b): How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?
It connected because he was reading everything that Anne had wrote down so that the story could be told.
3(a): What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?
Its like a day that they should be happy that there alive and that there all together its a day to be thankful and happy.
3(b):What do Anne's presents show about her?
That she might not be nice all the time and that she really does care about them and she wants to make them happy even if she don't show it sometimes and it shows that she is a good person because she did not have to do nothing for them and she did because that's how much she cares about them.
3(c): Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents?
They got something new that day and they have not had anything new in a long time and they were all things that they wanted and things that they needed or would want to use to help them with something.
4(a):With a partner discuss Mr.Frank's statement there are... no locks that anyone can put on your mind. how does Anne prove that this is true?
She prove that it was true because she used her mind to right down everything she saw and how she felt about everything that was happen so no one stopped her from writing down how she felt.
5(a): What is the historical cause that forces the franks to go into hiding?
The Germans went to war and were trying to kill all the Jews in all of Europe
5(b): What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?
It makes them have to go into hiding because if they find them they will be killed and they did not want to be killed.
6(a): What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews?
They had to wear them because the Nazis order them to wear it and so they could know easier who was a Jew and who was not.
6(b): What background information about the war and the Nazis treatment of the Jews helps you link this cause with its intended effects?
The way that they killed 3 million Jews that helps me know what they intended with making them wear those stars.
7. Anne says that she does not love her mom because she don't listen to Anne.
Mr.Kraler asks if they could take in Mr.Dussel and they say yes.
Mr. van Daan does not like that there taking in other person so they start talk bad about each other Mr.Dussel and Mr.Van Daan.
8.After Mr.kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?
It shows that Mr. Van Daan is selfish that he owning cares about taking care about himself and that's all that matters to him. It shows that Mr.Frank does not care how many people live there he wants to help everyone that he can help.
I like how after all this time of not being able to go outside and having to be inside and everything that she still is happy and thinks the best of people.
1(b): How would you like having her as a friend.
I think that it would be great to have her as a friend because she sounds like someone that would be a true friend and would try to make you feel better when you are sad she sounds like a great person.
2(a): What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler bring on new years day?
He tells them that there making him pay money because someone knows that there up here that were the book case is that there use to be a door and there making them pay money so that he wont say nothing so they kind of been found.
2(b): What hint does this give about the ending of the play? That someone is going to tell on them and that they are going to come and get all of them and that it is not going to end good for everyone that is up there.
3(a):What is the time span of act II?
It was about 10 months
3(b):How have the characters changed since the end of act I?
For one thing everybody knows everything about one other and they all get tried of each other and they all fight more and more and peter and Anne start to become better friends.
3(c): How do you know that Anne has changed?
At first she would like to fight with everybody and she would always be mad now she is nice and trys to listen to people more then at first.
4(a): Maybe because she done somethings wrong to but she knows that she is a good person at heart or maybe she just thinks that because a lot of people told her that or she has people that have show that to her before.
4(b): What does Mr.Frank mean when he says: she put me to shame?
He means that he feels like he should be a shamed because he became bitter and she some how still felt all people were good.
5(a): Mr.Van Daan's decision to steal food?
That almost got them kicked out because of him always wanting to eat.
5(b): Mrs.Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave?
She knew that Anne really liked peter so for her Daughter she did not kick them out because if it was not for peter they would have been going to live some where else.
6:What are some possible causes of Mrs.Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship
She did not like to see them together because she always thought that they would be doing something when they were in Peter's room and she would always talk bad about Anne because she did not like her family
7.Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the "secret annex".list three effects that result from this single cause
They did not have that much food. so they would get skinnier and skinnier every month. they could not get sun light. so there skin became more and more white. they spent a lot of time together in the same house. They started to get annoyed of each other and they started to hate each other little by little.
8(a): Meip-Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms-To make everybody happy and to give them something good to eat.
Mr.Van Daan-He eats everybody food without them knowing- He wanted to be selfish and eat everything he could so he could live.
Peter Van Daan-He kisses Anne on the cheek-So that he could show that he liked her and so that he could make her feel better about everything that is happening.
9: He be a jeck and just not like Jews or he might want to get away from a problem that they people in hiding know or he might want to get money from them but they don't want to pay so he might turn them in or he might just do it because he is sick from the head.
May 12, 2009
what i know about the holocaust
2. I learn that holocaust means sacrifice by fire.
3. I learn that they killed other races just because they were not German
4. I learn that they killed gay people
5. I learn that in Europe there were 9 million Jews before the holocaust
6. I learn that the was ended in may 8,1945
7. I learn that in 1948 and 1951 700,000 Jews went back to Israel
8. I learn the word ghetto was made during this time and that they used it to say that's where the Jews lived at
9. I learn that they made them live in terrible places and in unsafe places
10. I learn that Germany made at least 1,000 ghetto's
11. I learn that the first ghetto was made in Poland and that it was made in 1939
12. I learn that the ghettos they made did not last a long time that some owning would last a couple days
13. I learn that in that time there were three ghetto's the closed, the open and the destruction ghetto
14. I learn the biggest ghetto that they had was the Warsaw ghetto they had over 400,000 Jews in there
15. I learn that in the ghettos the Jews had to wear badges or armbands
16. I learn that they had Jewish police in Germany
17. I learn that they made the first ghetto in Hungary in 1944 when Germany took it over
18 I learn that they took over Hungary in 3 months
19. I learn that the Jews that where in Hungary most of them were killed
20. I learn that they made a other ghetto in budapest were 63,000 Jews lived in 0.1 square miles.
21. I learn that they made killing centers for killing someone will easy
22. I learn that in the killing centers they killed over 2,700,000 Jews
23. I learn that they would kill them by shooting them by poison gas or by asphyxiation
24. I learn that the first killing center was opened in Poland in chelmno it opened in 1941 in December.
25. I learn that when they sent you to a killing center they would kill you right away they would not give you a extra day or anything
26. I learn that the biggest killing center was the Auschwitz-birkenau
27. I learn that in Auschwitz -birkenau killed about 6,000 people each day
28. I learn that in Auschwitz- birkenau they kill poles,Roma and soviet prisoners in there
29. I learn that they did not want people to know about the killing centers so the dead body's they would cremate them and the centers would be moved or destroyed.
30. I learn that they would make them cut off there hair
31. I learn that they use to make them do a death march
32. I learn that Hitler was part Jewish
33. I learn that the younger you where the better chance you had to live
34. I learn that the more people that they put in the gas chamber the faster they die
35. I learn that they did not have water or food on the trains
36. I learn that many died on the train because they could not live on the the train any more.
37. I learn that if you tried to leave the train they would shot you
38. I learn that if you were in the train in the summer it would be hot and in the winter it would be freezing cold
39. I learn that they first used the poison gas on the mental people that they had there.
40. I learn that they thought the mental people where not wealthy for there life.
41. I learn that they use to have gas vans and that use to kill a lot of people to.
42. I learn that killing people with gas cost a lot less so they used it more.
43. I learn that the final solution was to kill all the Jews in Europe.
44. I learn the first country that Germany went into was Poland in 1939.
45. I learn what genocide means it means to do a crime with you wanting to kill there whole race.
46. I learn what pogroms mean it means to demolish.
47. I learn that when the was happen people came here by the U.S was not giving out visas.
48. I learn that the U.S did know about what was going on but did not get into the war until 1944
49. I learn that they would kill baby's because they would just eat.
50. I learn that Adolf Hitler got into power of Germany in January 30,1933
51. I learn Adolf Hitler killed himself
52. I learn that his sister was mentally retard
May 8, 2009
Street Problems
I think that one way that we can stop kids from flipping into a gang. Is that we should have more sports in there life so they have something else to do. If they tried or always practicing they wont think about banging. They think its stupid and go play there sport. They will not think about being a gang banging in the first place they being have to much fun with playing there sport.
The other way I think we can stop it. Is that when the kids are little or at least when there in 4th or 5th grade. A former gang member should come in and talk to them about gang banging and why they should not get into one. They should tell them all the bad things that come along with them flipping into a gang. That will make the kids think that gang banging is a stupid thing to get into and that there’s no point in it.
The last way that I think that we can stop kids. Is they should talk to every kids parents and tell them what type of thing they should do so that there kid will not gang bang. If a parent is in there kids life the parents will know what there kids are doing. The kids wont think of gang banging because they will have a family that’s one of the reason people start gang banging so they can feel like if they have a family. Those are the way that we can get the young kids of these days not to gang bang.
Those are the three ways that we can stop the kids. We should have more sports for the kids to play in there neighborhood. They should get a former gang member to talk to the kids. They should get the parents of there kids to be more in there children’s life. That would save a lot of kids don’t you want to help out the streets and kids that are coming into this world?
May 6, 2009
hansel and gretel
May 1, 2009
Thats why you should always look both ways when you cross the street
Apr 29, 2009
the outcasts of poker flat's
Apr 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
I think that the author was trying to say not to treat people different. I think she was trying to say that we always treat rich people better then poor people. That we all need to take care one other so that we all be OK. That someone should not be treated different because of how much money someone has or does not have. I liked it but i thought it was bogus that no one wanted to help the old men that was blind but when the rich man got hit by the cars everyone ran to him and tried to help him but not the blind man. i thought it was bogus that he did not get help from no one that was around him.
I think that the author was trying to tell us that make sure that you know what your saying before you really say something you will start to regret. But i think she was trying to show us how stupid it is to treat people different just because of there race. I mean it does not matter if your white black or brown it matters on how you act. that's what i think that she was trying to say in this story. I liked it a lot it had a lot of the things that you need in a good book i liked it because it had a lot of drama in it. So i thought that out of all the story's that i readied that this was the best one out of all of them.
Apr 24, 2009
Dr.heidegger's experiment
Apr 23, 2009
Desiree's baby the sequal
Apr 22, 2009
Flowers For Algernon
If i was him i would have done it so that i could have been smart for even for a little well. So that i would be able to see how it felt like. So i could meet new people and maybe even make something new for the world. So that i would not waste all my life and not try something new. I think that Charlie wanted to have it because he was tried of being dumb and everyone making fun of him. That he wanted to show them that he could be smart not matter what any one else said. He would work awful hard so that he could be smart and not dumb no more. He even had his lucky rabbits foot so that he could be lucky in the hospital. The little mouse that he does the tests with gives him hope that maybe one day he can be smart like him and permanently.
Apr 16, 2009
the curious case of a benjamin button 3-7
1.He is going to be bored with his wife and hes not going to want to be her husband any more. So he should wait a year or two and if she don't die then he should leave her and go with a different girl that he does like so that he can live up his life well he can.
2.Hes going to lose his job when he becomes a teenager and hes not going to have no money because hes parents have died and no one for him to live with. He should save his money that he has right now so that he will have money when he is a teenager so he wont have to live on the streets.
3.when he turns into a baby or like a 2 year old hes not going to have no one to take care of him because he is going to be all alone so he might not have nothing to eat. He should be more closer to his son so that hes son will take care of him so that he wont die alone in his house as a baby so i think he should treat his son better so that his son will take care of him in the future.
Apr 15, 2009
The Curious case of benjamin button chapter 2
I think that he should go and tell a lie about the whole son thing. that he should say that he is there uncle not there son. So that they both can act like they have to act. So both of them dont get hurt and no one knows what happen with there real son he should tell everyone his kid died. Thats what i think that he should do with him.
the curious case of benjamin button chapter 1
I would have told the nurse that what is she trying to do. That stop playing this joke on me and to give me my real son or am call the cops.I would not belive that it was my son until my wife would tell me that the baby came out of her and that it was not a joke. But if she told me that it was then i would have got him some clothes and told him that if any body asks him who he is that he would say that he was a long lost uncle that was fighting in the war and can back. That he should not call me dad at all unless we were alone and that not to act like a little kid to act like a old tried old man. Thats what i would do if i was Roger Button.
Apr 13, 2009
on the block
Some die by the bullet
Some sit and cry scared to awake
Some stand and fight with a there might
We stand right on are block and die
We see are friends and family die
We look in the sky hoping and praying
You might stand and fight
Right on your block But at the ended we all die
Mar 30, 2009
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Mother was a strong woman when i was 4 my dad left the town and he signed up for the U.S army mother was so mad when she found out what he had done. Ever since that last day i have not seen my father my mom had my little brother Jim and she was getting ready to had my baby sister Amy. She did not know how we were going to feed are family she could not work and dad would not be here to give money to buy food. But she was wrong ever week dad would send in he pay check that he got from the army and we could make the whole week with that. So we would be able to eat. I ask my granny what was wrong with mother she did not want to tell me but i kept brothering her until she had to tell me she said remember how your daddy join the army to make America a better place for us to live in. yea i remember but what those that have to do with anything. well your dad die at a battle and now he is in a better place. That is why we are going to church today we are going to put your dad in the ground so that he can rest in peace and so that his soul can be at peace.
Mothers crying was getting louder and louder granny went into the room to see if she was okay and she told me now go play around and start looking for a job just play granny said but get outside and play around. Jim and Amy come with me so that we could all come and play and not her mom cry any more. Then my Jim was like whats wrong with mom nick. nothing wrong with her she just needs to cry right now. So i saw mom leave the house she came back smoking which she has not done in a long time she quit because my father told her he did not want to see her smoking ever since that day she has never smoked again until today i guess.
Around seven grandma told us to get ready to go to church we left and we all had to wear black and mom made me Jim and Amy take a bath i hate taking baths. Then we all went walking to church and there was dad in his casket with his eyes closed. We got home around nine and we went to sleep right away.
In the middle of the night i woke up for no reason i tried to go to sleep but then i opened my eyes and there was someone in white. i kept looking at it then it started to look like dad i scream daddy its you. He told me yes my son and i miss you a lot take care i always look after you from heaven. i got up that morning and it was a beautiful day it was fresh and my was not crying we had pie and a lot of great food and she said i saw your father last night he came from the sky and he told me to feel better that he always be there for us. that made me feel a lot better and now i know he never going to leave me he always be here in spirt. When she said that some sun shine came in and he was by the door dad was by the door he told all of us that he loved us. Then we kept eating and we gave every one food even the house. Mom came and told me thank you nick for being a good little boy and helping me throw this ruff time.
Mar 25, 2009
pet peeves
2. i hate when people start crying for something dumb
3. i hate when people rub it in your face when you lose
4. i hate when people come in your room with out you letting them
5. i hate when people don't shut up when you tell them to shut up
6. i hate when people cant park a car
7. i hate when people ask you the same question more then once
8. i hate when people go throw your things
9. i hate when people don't give there dogs a bath
10. i hate when there's nothing on TV to watch
11. i hate when i don't get meat once a day
12. i hate when people slap you when your sleeping in the morning
13. i hate when they be poking me
14. i hate people lie to you when you tell them to tell you the truth
15. i hate when people be acting hard when there not
16. i hate when people throw spit balls
17. i hate it when they don't let you sleep
18. i hate it when people say there going to do something but they never do it
19. i hate when they be call me fluffy
20. i hate when guys try to be little pretty boys
21. i hate when they give me a cup check
22. i hate when they take the last chicken sandwich
23. i hate when the computer don't work right
24. i hate when they don't get out the washroom
25.i hate when they call me buster
26. i hate when people dont let you go out side
27. i hate when theres nothing to do
28. i hate when they make me clean my room
29. i hate math
30. i hate write with a pencil
31. i hate when people talking in a movie
32. i hate when i dont get money
33. i hate when other people get me into problems that i did not start
34. i hate when they make nousie when your trying to sleep
35. i hate when they put penicls in your ears when you are sleeping
Mar 23, 2009
The secret
I got daisy pregnant! Man that sucks what you going to do about that. I don’t know but that’s not what am scared of right now. Then what’s wrong. Last night I went out on a date with daisy yea and what’s wrong with that. Nothing but wait we were at the lake and we were eat like a little picnic thing and well we were kissing and everything and then some guys came and they grab her. At first I tried to fight them off but they were to strong for me and they hit me in the face that why I got this bruise. I got knocked out and I remembered I was holding a gun that I got from my brother and I shot a guy and he fell and he died right there. then did not know what had happen to her at first I thought maybe they just were going to beat on me but then they took her. I did not know what to do and one guy tried to cut me with a knife but he missed and I throw it away.
But they took daisy with them and I don’t where she is and she did not come to school. Then her dad knows am going out with her and he called my crib and told me if I knew where she was because she did not come home all night long. I told him I did not know. But why would they want to take daisy she never does nothing bad she’s all good. Well am not going to hind anything but she sells dope so that she can make some money that other reason am scared what if she gets killed for that stupid reason. Can you help me Armando I need your help for this. No problem Chuy you know I always got your back no matter what.
So what are we going to do Chuy? Tell you the truth I don’t know yet but I can tell you this much you see that car right there. Yeah what about it they been there for about 20 minutes and they have not stopped looking at me and you Armando. Damn your right who do you think they are I don’t know but I say we move before something happens. What we going to do I don’t know but I hope the police don’t find out about the guy I killed. What did you do with the body? I throw it into the water but I don’t know how far it went. Chuy if I was you I be really careful because you don’t know what might happen because of the guy you shot down.
I don’t care what happens to me as long as daisy and my kid is okay then I have nothing to worry about. I Guess so but we still got to go find them first. When we got out of school I told Chuy for him to go and tell the police what had happen to see if they could find her but he said forget that they wont help at all. but that’s the owning thing that might really help naw forget that Armando we don’t got time for all that come to my house and we going to take my dads truck and we going to go looking for daisy. So we got to the house and has dad said that we could not take the car but like Chuy always does he did not care and took the car anyways.
We got on and we got to a red light then I looked back and the car that was looking at us was behind us so I told Chuy was like lets see if they will chase us. Then we were looking to see if they would follow us and they did start then we went to a dark alley and got out. The car and we got into a fight with the two guys for sure me and Chuy beat them down good. Chuy was really mad I have never seen him this mad before he pulled out a gun and I told him to put that thing away so he did. We beat on the guys until they told us we daisy was at. they told us they had her at a house on Barry. so me and Chuy got back in the car and hurried to the house to go get daisy.
We got there Chuy ran inside there were two men at the door but I don’t want go into Chuy but he did not care he shot them. they died right there he ran outside to go get daisy she was on a chair and she could not move. then he shot a guy that was in the kitchen. I don’t know what go into Chuy but I did not like it we got daisy and we ran home right away. Chuy killed four guys those two days and no one ever knew why they killed them or who had killed them. I promise never to tell anyone but Chuy is going crazy now to me he’s looking more and more like a killer that wants to kill again. Am deeply worried about him he’s not the same person he use to be he takes he’s gun everywhere he goes if. He don’t change I think am have to tell the police what happen. That was my friend Chuy's deepest secret that he had he had killed 4 guys with that one gun.
Mar 19, 2009
Her mysterious death
I had to do a lot of work on this case. There was no one who saw what had happen and if there was a person who saw what happen they were not speaking up. We found the dead girls body in the park on a very cold winter afternoon. She was under some snow but a park officer was walking by and saw a hand coming out the snow. We all went to the park because the department told us to hurry and get down there.
My name is John Payne and I been a detective for 3 years now. I worked on a lot of different cases. But I never seen a case like this I don’t have a lot to work with on this case because there has not been no one who has come forward and said anything. Which really makes my job a lot harder. But some how I will find this persons killer.
They check her body and they found that she had some bruises on her neck and on her hands. Which makes me believe that she was choked to death. But we still could not find who this girl was we had no way to find out what her name was or anything. Who ever she was she had done some drugs because we did a drug test on her and we found crack in her system. I started to think that she might be a run away from home so I called all the numbers that we had of missing girls and told the parents to come down.
We called at least 50 families in and all of them said that it was not there baby girl. But we still had a couple families left to come in and see the girl. We had this one family come in there name were the Hugo’s. They came in and started crying on the girl and said yes this is my daughter. I felt bad for them but I had to ask them a couple questions. They agreed to tell me everything I wanted to know.
We went into a private room and sat down. How old was your daughter Mr. Hugo? she was 17 when did she leave the house? She left in late November do you know why she left? She had this crazy boyfriend that told her to move in with him and she was in love with him so she ran away from home where does her boyfriend live at? He lives in some where in Lincoln park what’s his name? His name was Raul Sanchez.
I told them to go home and get some rest that if I knew anything new I call them to let them know they said thank you and left. Now I had some where to start from I look up this Raul Sanchez and went to his house. I sat down with him and ask him a couple questions on his girlfriend. He looked like a good kid. But ever good kid can always do something bad so I started my questions.
When’s the last time you saw your girl Gloria? A week ago we were outside drinking with some friends did she move in with you when she ran away from home? Yes she told me she was tried of her parents and she wanted to move in with me How long was she here for? She stayed with me for about a week and a half do you know if she did any drugs? Yea I mean she did it a couple times but owning in like parties and in special times do you know any one who ever had a big problem with Gloria? No she was easy going but she did tell me about this one guy named Miguel that kept telling her she loved her and she do anything to be with her.
So now I got to go find out who this Miguel kid is he told me he lived some where in brickyard. I went looking around there and for sure there he was at his house sitting on the pouch with his little gangbanging friends. I told him to come here but he said forget you piggy. Then I grab him by his shirt and throw him down to the floor. I told him now you listen here punk am not here to make problems I just need to ask you a couple questions fo sho then.
I took him to the police station and ask him a couple questions. When’s the last time you seen Gloria? Week ago at a party but she was with her boyfriend and I did not want to talk to her. Why do you love her? I was just saying that to see if I could get some but I was wrong.
Did you kill Gloria? NO! I like that girl I never do anything to hurt her like that my parents thought me better then to go around hitting girls I respect my woman. You little gang banger? Naw I just hag out with them because there my friend I meet all them when I was a little shorty because of my cousin Chris. Ok fine if I need to ask you any other questions am come looking for you. Wait before you go where was this party at? It was on Spalding and Barry.
So I went around asking people around there if they had seen Gloria some where around here. The neighbor the one that live next door to the people having the party said that yea she saw her at the party. She was dancing with this one guy and then the guy pulled her into a room after that I did not see her. How old was the guy about 17 then I showed him a picture of raul was this him? Yea that’s the guy he was dancing with her then they went in the room.
It was starting to look more and more like the killer had been Raul. But when I went to ask Raul he said yea we did go into the room but she was making me go to sleep because I was drunk and I could not move no more. After that she left the room and I woke up in the bed and she was no where to be found I thought maybe she just went home but she was not here so I thought maybe she went back to her dads house. I mean his dad was there to I saw him outside. Mr. Hugo was outside? Yea he was there I think he heard about the party and was going to try Gloria to go home and he was outside I guess waiting for her.
Ok now were going some where with this case. I went and called Mr. Hugo and ask him if he had seen Gloria at a party that was on Barry and Spalding. He told no I was never there I was at home wait and hoping she would come home. Now I knew he was lying to me because I remember his wife had told me that he went out drinking with his friends that night. I told him you would not be trying to hide anything from me Mr. Hugo now would you? No of cause not.
I knew he was lying right then and there. I made him come in and do some finger prints. I could be able to match the finger prints on the neck on the ones on his hands. If they match I know that his dad was the killer. I check and I went into the lab to check and I told him stay here I be right back. I got my hand cuffs ready and was about to arrest him it showed that he was the killer of Gloria but when I went back he had ran away. I chased after him.
But I could not catch up to him. I told the whole department if you see Mr. Hugo hand cuff him and take him to the police station he’s in a baby blue hummer. I went to tell miss Hugo that I knew who had killed her daughter. When I got there she was cooking I told her I don’t know how to tell you this but your husband is the killer. She started to cry and cry and I told her am sorry but your husband is the killer of your daughter and he’s going got go to jail for what he did.
We caught him when he ran out of gas of the car. We asked him why he killed her and this is what he said. I prefer her be dead then for her to be doing drugs and drinking and being with that guy Raul. So you killer your daughter so she wont do that? Yes and I would do it again that’s not my baby girl no more that was some other girl in her body.
We went to court and they gave him 15 years in jail. That poor little girl never thought her own dad would kill her. After a year miss Hugo got a divorce because she was scared of her husband. Then she got remarried to a guy named Eddie. That was the end of the story so hopefully the new husband she has turns out better then the last one.
Mar 18, 2009
how to make logandale better
We need to have better food. The pizza they give us is to nasty a lot of people don’t eat it. So they don’t get the food and energy that they need. So they might not pay attend in class because they are hungry. Don’t you feel better when you eat and then go to class?
We need a better class time.If we would have more fun actives in class more people would come. We all have laptops we should do fun things with them. We would love to use the laptops in all the class not just in reading. That would make it fun in school don’t you think?
We need to have more team sports without having to pass all your classes. that would want to make more people come if we had more football and basketball and soccer. But a lot of us can’t because we don’t got the grades to play for the team. We should be able to play without having to pass all are classes that would make more people come here. Those are some thing that you can do to make people come to logandale.
That is what we need to do to make more people come to logandale. We need better food so that the students will listen better. we need to make class funnier so that we can learn and have fun in class. we need to have more sports so that everyone can play no matter what there grades are. those are the things that would make people want to come to logandale and stay here.
Mar 16, 2009
Armando Solis life story
When Armando was two he could walk and liked to be outside so one morning his sister Erika was going to go to her cousins house and so she said if Armando wanted to go and Armando said yes. So Armando and his sister were walking there and when they were coming back Armando's cousin was holding him and he was on skates and his cousin tripped and fell and he landed on Armando's leg. I ran outside and told his dad to come outside and turn the car on so that we could take him to the hospital. Armando was on the ground crying saying my leg hurts my leg hurts so I took him to the car and I started to cry because I was scared something bad had happen to my baby boy. so they told me that his leg had been broke and that he would have to have a cast for a month. It was hard to give him a bath or to do really anything.
when Armando was five he was getting ready for his first day in pre k. He was so happy when he was going because he always wanted to be like his older brother and go to school and meet new friends. He told me he was scared because he thought the teacher might be a meanie and she might not like him. So I told him if he behaved good in class and did not do nothing like a fool. That everything would be OK and that I would go pick you up so do not leave until you see me.
when Armando was nine he had a hard time in school. He needed a lot of help with his homework. That year I was going to Mexico with my husband and with my other son Roy and we already had bought the tickets to go right away after they got out of school and Armando was going to come to. But we found out that he had to go to summer school because he did not pass the ISAT. So we did not know what to do but his sister Erika said to leave Armando here with her so they did.
Armando went to summer school for the whole thing. He would always call me from Chicago with his sister. He would always say he missed me and that always broke my heart and I always wanted to come home. But he said that he loved being with his sister because they went to the lake together. They would go out to eat and she would always give him pancakes so he loved being with his sister.
When Armando was 11 Armando was in 6Th grade and was acting a lot more different. He would always go out with his friends he would leave the house at 8:20 am in the morning and say that he was going to school. He did bad in school to he got all F's in his report card. But I told him that he was not going to keep this up that he would not do nothing if he did not do good in his report card. So he did a little better but I told him to do a lot better because he still had F's I told him if he did not do better that he was not going to go to Mexico in the summer.
I guess that scared him straight because he did better and did not go to summer school. He change a lot when he was in logandale some for the better and some for the worst. But now has getting older and I can trust him more. Even if he does do bad in something’s he can always make things right. But he really change in January when he told me he was going out with a girl name Nancy.
He was making his bed he would ask if I needed help with anything. He would do his homework early. He would help his little brother with his homework and everything. So I think has changing a lot and he is being a better kid. He has changed a lot but I help its all going to be for the better. That it the life story of my son Armando Solis.
Feb 27, 2009
What Do I Wish From Barack Obama
I want him to change the laws because there’s family’s that get torn apart because they get deported to Mexico. Sometimes there’s a dad that gets deported but the mom stays. But the mom cant work to support all of the family. That hurts a family because they lost there dad and they cant support to be here no more. They might not have the money stay in there home and then they will have to go back to Mexico to. Mexicans that don’t got papers are always worried that they might get sent back to Mexico and leave America.
I want him to change it because some family’s got homes and work there and they get deported and have to leave everything. If you lose a family that is paying and working that’s bad for the nation. Since right now you need more money people to buy homes. That bad for the nation because your kicking out people that I just helping the nation. They pay for everything they got so why cant they stay here like everybody else.
Mexicans make up a lot of the people in American and with out Mexicans a lot of things would not be done. We Mexicans work twice as hard as anybody in this world. Most Mexicans have worked all there life’s since they were little kids so they know that the harder you work the better in life you will be. That’s why the riches man in the world is a Mexican now. But they work a lot harder than a lot of people and with out them a lot of things wont get done. You wont get all of your fruits and you wont have all the stores that there is and you wont have all the people building houses or build’s if you kick out the Mexicans.
That’s why I want Barrack Obama to change the laws. So that they wont kick out the good Mexicans that there is in America. If they are bad people and like pass drugs over the border then kick them out. There’s hard working Mexicans that do everything right and they are the ones getting kick out. That’s why he should let the Mexican that are here stay and other Mexicans get in America if they have no done any crime before they should have them on like parole to see if they a getting a job and not doing nothing bad if they are doing that then let them stay here.
Feb 26, 2009
Life Changing Event
Then like at midnight the Banda said that they were done because that’s all that the guy paid them to play for. So then my dad was having a great time and he played them for two more hours. So we all dance until like 2:00 am. Then well my brother was drunk so I had to walk with him home and he almost got ran over because he was playing chicken with a car. Which I thought was dumb but what ever. So we got home like 20 minutes later and we went to sleep.
Then well I work up and my sister said Armando get up and put your clothes on and go to your grandma’s house. I told her why and she just told me grandpap is die yesterday in the night. I started to cry because I thought about how much I cared about him and everything he gave me and everything we talked about and all that stuff. So I got up and I work up my little brother Ivan because I had to put his clothes on so that we could leave and then we left and we were walking down so that we could go to my grandma’s. But then my dad came by with the car and he told us to get on and we did and he’s like you how your grandpap died and I was like yea and he’s like where you going and I was like with my grandma and he’s like no go with your mom.
So I told him yea so that he would not have a hard time with us. But when he was driving us there he started to cry and that hurt me a lot because I have never in my life seen my dad cry and I was not use to it. So I started to cry just because I never thought I see my dad cry and I don’t like seeing that. That’s one thing in my life that I hope that I will not have to see ever again. We got to my grandma’s house and my little brother saw my dad crying when we were in the car.
But it did not hurt him until he saw me cry when we got out the car. He just started asking Armando what’s wrong and I told him to go watch TV. He saw my sister crying too and then he started to cry. But we did not tell him until later but when I was crying my cousin Lucy came and told me everything was going to be okay that he's in a better place and everything. That made me feel better but I still felt bad so my aunt came and gave me some weird nasty tea that’s was going to help me relax.
Later on that day we all went to the funeral home were they had him at and went to go see him. they were praying for him and everything right there. But I could not take it so I left and went outside and then one of my friends came and saw that I was crying and everything and he’s like what’s wrong and I told him what happen and told me that it be okay that you still see him when you go to heaven. So yea guess he told a lot of the people in el Monte because later on in the night I went out because I wanted to get my mind of my grandpap. So went to la plaza and there was a lot people that dad and every body went up to me and asked if I was okay and all that stuff. Which all that made me feel a lot better because you know I felt like I would get throw it now.
So yea the day went on and like at 10:30 my brother came looking for me because my mom wanted to talk to me. So she told me that they were going to pray all night because that’s what they do when someone dies there and then torrow we were going to church and that we were going to put him in him tombstone. That to tell my cousin Neto if I could stay at his house to night and he said yea and well we went and he just made everything better cousin he told me right now your grandpap is looking down on you and watching over you and you should be happy for that. So he made me happier and then we went to his house. the next day I went to get a hair cut and to get my clothes from the house and went down to church.
Then it was cloud and it had been for 2 weeks now ever since we got there it had rained. Then the church was over and we went to put him away. So we walked there and carried the him up to the cemetery and it started to rain there. But after we put him in his tombstone to rest it stop raining for a long time which I believed was because my grandpap wanted everything to shine and for everyone to be happy not sad no more because he always wanted the best for everyone in the world. But after that day I learn how much losing someone can hurt and I learn that people will show you a lot of love when you need it and when it comes time to they will always try to make you feel better and I know right now my grandpap had been looking over me and I always pray to him at night and I always will remember those days because of all the thing that had happen in that time.
Feb 24, 2009
Parents Are The Best Teachers
They teach you more than any other persons. Your parents teach you how to read. The teach you how to count. They teach you how to add and subtract. did your parents teach you how to do that?
They teach you right from wrong. They teach you not to steal things. They teach you not to talk back to adults. They teach you not to hurt other people. They teach other things to that are more important for life.
They teach you how to do most of the important things you need to know. Your parents teach you how to walk. They teach you how to talk and say your words right. They teach you your alphabet and how to write your name. Those are why I think that parents are the best teachers.
In conclusion those are the main reasons why I think that parents are the best teachers. They teach you more than any other person will teach you. They teach you what are the good things to do in life and what is not good. They teach you things that will always will be needed in life. They help you learn anything that they know and that’s what a good teacher is in my book so they are the best teachers for me.
Feb 19, 2009
a skill everyone needs
If you don't know how to speak English you will have a harder time trying to get a good job. They won't hire you in a good job because you can't speak English. They won't hire you because you won't be able to talk to other people where you work. You won't be able to explain something when the boss ask you a qustion. It makes it harder when you can't tell people what your asking for or what your telling them.
You will have a harder time asking for food or drinks in stores. If you're in a big fancy restaurant and you don't speak English. The other guy might not speak your language and then you got a problem. you won't be able to get your food because he does not know what your saying. You will have a harder time telling people things if you don't speak English.
You will have a harder time talking to new people you meet. Lets say you meet a new person at work. He just started working there and he wants to be friends with you but you can't speak to him because you don't speak English like he does. You won't be able to talk to people as good if you can not speak English. Life makes things a lot harder when you cant talk to the people around you it just makes life hard.
It will be harder for you to get to where you want to go in life. If you don't speak English you won't get a good job. Maybe you won't even get a girlfriend. It be harder to meet new people and friends. You will be making your life a whole lot harder if you don't speak English.
In conclusion those are the reasons that not knowing English makes life a lot harder. It will help you in life. It will help you meet different people. It makes it easier to ask for things or to explain yourself. But you should also learn other language's so that you can meet a lot of different people and you will get a better job.
Feb 17, 2009
The best day ever
Then me and my cousin Roy and Edwin went outside and we played football for a little well.Then i played hide and go seek with my cousin Chris he never found me because i was shorty and i could hide under the bed and he would never look down there.Then we all went to eat and after that we all went to go play video games in my brothers room. My brother was being unfair because he did not want to let me play. so i left and found my cousin Alex we were throwing one of those big work out balls and he made me fall.
Then we picked on one of my little cousin's which to be truthful was pretty fun but i don't do that no more i felt bad about it now that i think about it.Then we got together and got ready for it to be New Years and we all yelled happy New Years!after that we all walked around hugging saying happy New Year. Then we all got some drink and we drank it i did not like the taste of it. Then people started to leave after a well it was just me and my cousin Alex Roy and Chris so we all played soccer inside up in my room.
Then Alex had to go then Roy left. So then me and my cousin Chris stayed there watching a movie so then everyone left at 6:00 am and i wanted to stay up because there was a batman movie.But my dad said go to sleep so i did and i woke up at 2:00 pm and i eat and then went back to sleep because i was tried. But that was the best day of my life because i was with my whole family and we all spent time together and had fun together and that was great because we don't do that no more because we live to far or they live in different places.But that was the best day that i ever had in my life.
Feb 11, 2009
Feb 10, 2009
her smile
Feb 9, 2009
25 things i want to do in my life time
2. have kids
3. get married
4. find true love
5. go to France
6. go to a bears game
7. drink with all my family
8. met kanye west
9. go to a bulls game
10. go see the super bowl
11. go see the all star game
12. go visit new york
13. go to California
14. pass high school
15. i want to see the white house
16. i want to go to Mexico for a year
17. want to have a house
18. i want to go to college
19. i want to find a good job
20. want to help my kids with there homework
21. want to live up to at least 70
22. see my parents happy when am a adult
23. i want to be rich
24. i want to see my kids happy as they can be
25 i want to be able to do all of these things